Beiträge von T5Romeo

    It was not just having the cars face the wrong way, I had also left the analog power supply in the track (unplugged).
    That was somehow hindering the matching of the cars and controllers.
    When I removed it from the track, everything worked just as it should. :thumbup:

    Now I only need to fit 3 more (analog) cars with digital chips (and all 6 with lights) and modify 4 digital 143 controllers.
    I hear that that can be a tricky job. :hmm:

    Hilfe! ;)

    I have just soldered the Black Box 30344 to a part of GO-track, but it does not match the controllers (digital 132) to the cars (digital 143).

    Edit: I have power to the track, because the analog cars move....very the first corner...and then they fly off. :D

    So does a 132-controller work with a digital 143 car?

    Is there anything else I should check?

    Just to make sure: matching the controller and car is done by switching on the black box (car already on the track?), press forward finger-button twice, lift the front end of the car and replace it, press forward fingerbutton twice again, right?

    Gutentag geschätzte racer. :)

    Bitte verzeihung wenn mein Deutsch nicht 100% gut is. Es ist nicht mein muttersprache. Aber ich will es doch versuchen. :)

    Ich will unsere GO!!!-track umbauen nach digital mit den 30344 Black Box. Ich habe den Black Box schon zuhause, mit trafo und zwei controllers.
    Jetzt kan ich zwei wireless controllers und ein Mobil Tower billig kaufen. Kan jemand befestigen das zwei wireless controllers und zwei nicht-wireless controllers zusammen gut funktionieren? Danke fur ihre zeit. :)
